Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bread... From Space

 So, Here I am, just under a month till I'm 28 and I have NEVER used a bread machine till now.
I'm literally in awe of how easy this is.
I kept saying "Space Age Technology, for sure!"
 No Kneeding.
No Mixing.
No Shaping.
 It's no replacement for making a loaf, start to finish, all the effort, all the nostalgia of it, but... it was cool.
And it tasted yummy!

File Under: I'm Growing Up, Baking


  1. Aww, thanks! That means a lot to me!

  2. This looks delicious! So nice to see you around again!

  3. Thank You! It did turn out yummy! And it's quite nice to be back!
